The Biggest dirty secret in Legal Cannabis… Lab Shopping
There is a huge dirty secret in the regulated cannabis industry. Actually, there’s a lot of huge dirty secrets, but this one is seriously detrimental… Lab Shopping!
Quick lesson on Lab Shopping:
Every state that legalizes cannabis mandates that all legal cannabis must be tested for pesticides, potency, mold, moisture content, homogeneity(edibles), terpenes, microbial and residual solvents(for extracts). This essentially gives cannabis testing labs the ultimate power to prevent products from going to market if they fail the mandated tests.
As explained on another design, “Standardize Cannabis Testing“, there are no standardized testing protocols for these labs to follow, and there is nowhere near enough oversight of the labs by the state regulators, which leads to all kinds of issues that impact the entire industry, from seed to sale and bite to inhale.
When a cannabis company doesn’t like the lab test results, whether it’s too low of THC, or continuously failing to pass one of the various mandated tests, they can usually find another lab run by a shady company that will give them the numbers they want, or to pass the tests they need. This is called “lab shopping”.
The problem with lab shopping is that unethical labs will undercut the prices of reputable labs making it nearly impossible to compete. Not to mention these unethical labs will “pass” dirty products that are then sold to consumers.
Lab shopping is bad for business, consumers, quality, and competition. We’ve included a link to the CannaBS Detector podcast episode with Kristen, and her guest co-host, Brett Puffenbarger, discussing many of the issues plaguing the cannabis testing industry and why they pose a serious threat to everyone.
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